Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What a Difference it Could Make...


Thanks for all the responses from the last post. It is humbling and a bit intimidating to know that people actually read these musing that I write. This time I am banking a bit that someone out there will read this. If you have been following along on our new chapter of this journey you know that this year I am teaching Juarez High School in Pilsen, Chicago.

I love my kids and we are actually blessed to have quite a few resources. However, for the past 6 weeks I have been writing in chalk, on a chalkboard. Yes, you read that correctly. Both of the classrooms that I teach in have old school chalkboards. Although being covered in chalk at the end of the day is a bit wearysome, it is managable. However, my breaking point is that my kids can't read the board. Because of the setup of the room only the top 1/3 of the board is viewable from the back of the room and the board erases so poorly that you can't read the new writing because of the old. There is a great website where teachers can dream and submit projects as a wish list and then donors can come online and donate to specific projects. I posted my first project this week. It is to purchase an interactive wireless device that would eliminate all need to write on the chalk board and is portable to both classrooms I teach in. It would all me to write notes on this interactive device and have them appear on the LCD projector. I would be able to save notes, mark up websites, etc. I would be able to hand the device to a student and from their seat they would be able to manipulate things on the projector at the front of the room. It is very similiar to an interactive chalkboard, just wireless, smaller and less expensive. However, less expensive still means $900 after shipping and processing fees. The Bill Gates foundation has funded 1/2 the project which leaves us needing $457.

It would be amazing to show my kids that the hard work they are putting in is being supported by people that they have never met. They are being thought of (and dare I say it even prayed for) by people who care about them and their future. I love my kids and wish them the very best. If you are in a position that you can finanically help with this pipe dream that would be amazing, if not we cherish your prayers. The following link will lead you to my project where you can donate (if you wish and are so able):

Thanks for reading. Thanks for caring for Matt and I so well. We are blessed by our amazing friends and family.


1 comment:

  1. Your Facebook post about the chalkboard had me wondering what was up in your life. This sounds good! I am glad that you guys are doing well!
    ~ Cheryl
