Tuesday, September 1, 2009

30 Days of Happiness: Breakfast in Bed

A friend recently started a series: "30 Days of Happiness" on her blog. Thirty days set aside to look at the simple little things in life that make life worth living. The things that bring joy. In the midst of the transition to Chicago I am excited to join her in this adventure and begin my very own "30 Days of Happiness", looking for the positive and the uplifting in each day.

Day 1- Breakfast in Bed.
Today I was blessed to have a day set aside to spend with My Love (Matt). What a blessing it is to slow down and enjoy spending time together, nowhere to rush to, no to do list t
hat must be accomplish but just to be. I am so grateful for the opportunity to start the day with breakfast in bed and then to share the day exploring the Museum of Science and Industry together. Acting like kids and discussing like adults, what a great day with an amazing husband. I am truly blessed.

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